Page 5085 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 12 December 1990
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MR MOORE: I ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. It refers to a report in yesterday's Canberra Times where Mr John Hyles Sr is quoted as saying:
... the company had stopped selling sand to the ACT Administration for only a short time.
So, is the Alliance Government sticking to point 3.6 of its policy, of ensuring that no sand and gravel extracted from the Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales is being used here, or is it not?
MR KAINE: I cannot answer that question offhand, Mr Speaker. I will take it on notice.
MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. I refer the Minister to recent statements by the Australian Timberworkers Union and the Conservation Council for Canberra and South-East Region expressing some concern about the corporatisation of the ACT forests and the proposals to work together in relation to the development of the forests in the ACT. Can the Minister provide the Assembly with any information on that matter?
MR DUBY: I thank Mr Jensen for the question. Indeed, I welcome the concern by both the Australian Timberworkers Union and the Conservation Council about the future of the forests of the ACT. Certainly this Government is not about to corporatise ACT forests for the sake of that very concern. The forest industry is important to the local economy and I have already expressed my concern over the loss of jobs in the industry and the downturn due to the current economic situation, particularly in the milling trade.
The Government's intention is clearly not to take precipitate action. Forestry works closely with local industry to ensure the full cooperation of all parties and is always sensitive to environmental and economic issues. We will undertake a full assessment of ACT forests in the new year to determine the best ways to manage this very important resource which is also, I might add, a significant investment by the Government and the people of the ACT.
Corporatisation is an option that will definitely be looked at, but before we make a decision we will need a map of the future and a clearer understanding of the opportunities for the forest industry not only here in the ACT but nationally. I will welcome the ideas of the Conservation Council and the Timberworkers Union during this process. Thank you for the question, Mr Jensen.
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