Page 5065 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 12 December 1990

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happen. Some of them apparently decide that they have the right to use a toilet whenever and wherever they wish. This is another thing that is not acceptable to people in Canberra. It distresses people living in that area of Watson and Downer. People complained that their paling fences were pulled off and burned down. Another lady complained to me that all the rubbish from her bins was emptied over the road. The Government has to take this on. It cannot pass the buck. It has to clean it up. It has to see that something is done.

For 12 months we have waited for this report; we still have not seen it. But then, after the antics and the way Mr Collaery went on in the house, I am not surprised that we have not seen this report. We all know what Mickey Mouse is getting for Christmas. He is getting a Bernard Collaery watch. I do not honestly think it is really funny, Mr Speaker; I think it is sad the way Mr Collaery went on in this house today and I, as a member of the Opposition, am very sorry to see it.

I do not blame all the members of the Government for this; I blame them for the fact that they have Mr Collaery on their benches. I am very sorry for the Chief Minister that he has to put up with it. Obviously, Mr Collaery cannot organise his own office, his own Law Office, and he cannot organise for us to get a report on the Summernats. But, maybe, after this we might get it. I feel very sorry for the rest of the Government which has to put up with him, Mr Speaker.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (11.46): I move the following amendment:

Omit paragraph (1).

Mr Speaker, I am rising to speak to an amendment that I am making to the motion put by Ms Follett. I believe that it is currently being circulated. The reason for the amendment is that the paragraph in the original motion says:

(1) it is the concern of this Assembly that proper and co-ordinated planning for this year's Summernats has not yet been concluded;

It has been demonstrated, and will be demonstrated by me, that that is simply factually not correct. Extensive and coordinated planning has occurred on a whole range of issues connected with this year's Summernats. As said by Mr Stefaniak, the Summernats are held annually. There is no doubt that the 1989 event was of concern to the ACT Government, to the AFP and, of course, to the ACT community at large, and undoubtedly it is for that very reason that Ms Follett has raised this motion.

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