Page 5031 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 11 December 1990

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nonsense. I think you could have had bipartisan support. All we had to do was adjourn this Bill until Thursday. It would have been dealt with in 10 or 15 minutes and it would have been through. You had the opportunity to do that, but you preferred not to do that.

Mr Duby: Tell us about trust.

MR MOORE: Mr Duby interjects, Mr Speaker, "Tell us about trust". That man - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Order, Mr Moore, please!

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Relevance.

MR MOORE: Mr Duby interjects, "Tell us about trust". With reference to the Interim Planning Bill it is quite relevant, because what they are asking for is to be trusted with the power of this Bill. That man, who went to - - -


MR MOORE: It is Mr Duby I am pointing to. He went to an election on the notion of no self-government - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Relevance, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: It is about trust, Mr Speaker. He went to an election on no self-government and turned around - and Mr Collaery, who went to an election - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore! Mr Moore, resume your seat. The question is: That the title be agreed to.

Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I am still speaking.

MR SPEAKER: I asked you to resume your seat, Mr Moore.

Mr Moore: I am still speaking to this, Mr Speaker. I have another six or seven minutes to go. Mr Speaker, I have another six minutes and 35 seconds to go.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, you have just lost it. You have lost your six minutes. The question is - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mr Moore was speaking to the Bill, and the clock is still running.

MR SPEAKER: No, I believe that he was on a different tack altogether, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: I do not think he was. I think that is a bit rough.

MR SPEAKER: Well, thank you for your observation.

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