Page 4930 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 11 December 1990

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MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That Mr Berry's motion be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 6  NOES, 9 

Mr Berry Mr Collaery
Mr Connolly Mr Duby
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mrs Grassby Mr Jensen
Mr Moore Mr Kaine
Mr Wood Ms Maher
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak

Question so resolved in the negative.


MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General): Mr Speaker, pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989 I table subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of gazettal notices for a number of ministerial determinations, as follows:

Consumer Affairs (Amendment) Act - Notice of commencement of provisions other than sections 1 and 2 (S88, dated 5 December 1990)

Machinery Act - Determination of fees - No. 72 of 1990 (G39, dated 3 October 1990)

Scaffolding and Lifts Act - Determination of fees - No. 71 of 1990 (G39, dated 3 October 1990).

Ministerial Statement and Paper

MR KAINE (Chief Minister), by leave: Mr Speaker, yesterday, Monday, 10 December, I met with the Prime Minister, the Premiers of New South Wales and Victoria, and senior executives from BHP, Kumagai, Foster's Brewing - formerly Elders - and TNT to agree on a two-stage process to streamline mechanisms for assessing effectively the potential economic, environmental and social impacts of the VFT project. I will table in the Assembly the joint statement by governments and the Very Fast Train Joint Venture made at the conclusion of that meeting.

Stage 1 of the assessment process will involve governments immediately examining the key issues relating to the very fast train proposal, including project justification, major

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