Page 4918 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 11 December 1990
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MR MOORE: I shall rephrase it, Mr Speaker. Dr Kinloch, to what extent was your decision influenced? Was it influenced by factors other than the business of the committee, for example, your own position as chair of the committee?
DR KINLOCH: Thank you, Mr Moore, for the question. Of course, I can think of no-one on that committee who has the ability to intimidate me, so I cannot see how we could possibly have been intimidated.
MR MOORE: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. In fact, it is not a supplementary question. Dr Kinloch, in this sense - - -
Members interjected.
MR MOORE: I will rephrase that. It is only a supplementary question insofar as Dr Kinloch has answered an interjection by Mr Collaery and has not attempted to answer my question at all. In fact, my question to Dr Kinloch was: can you explain why you cancelled, without consultation, a meeting of the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee at short notice on Tuesday, 4 December, when important business of the committee was to have been conducted which would have allowed the presentation of an interim report on environmental matters? To what extent was your concern for the vulnerability of your own position as chair of that committee - and I rephrased that, you will remember, in a certain way, but the gist of it was: what influence did that have? Dr Kinloch, you have not attempted to answer my question at all, and I would ask you to do so.
DR KINLOCH: I did, of course, consult, and it is my own business as chairman of this committee with whom I consulted. I do not propose to discuss that, and I am happy to take - - -
Mr Moore: It was an arbitrary decision. You did not consult with anybody.
MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore!
DR KINLOCH: Under standing order 61, I do not wish Mr Moore to interject while I am speaking.
Mr Moore: Tough tit.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, withdraw that immediately.
DR KINLOCH: Could I ask Mr Moore to reject his gutter language?
Mr Moore: I withdraw that immediately, Mr Speaker. In future when I go like that, we will know the meaning.
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