Page 4911 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 11 December 1990

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Of the private tenants in this Weston Creek Community Health Centre, the private doctor will relocate within the centre next to the private dentist in a small separate wing of the building. The Weston Creek Community Service administrative and management unit, currently based in the centre, is considering several options for alternative accommodation including space in Cooleman Court and in Duffy Primary School. In my view, either of these sites will enable the Community Service administration and management unit effectively to continue to coordinate and plan the services delivered from the Weston Creek Community Health Centre.

Acting Minister for Education

MR CONNOLLY: My question is to the Minister for Education. Minister, will you assure the Assembly and the Lyons school community that the education department will remain under firm ministerial control, even if from an acting Minister, during your absence? Can you indicate who that acting Minister may be for the six-week period that you will be overseas?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, in terms of the last part of Mr Connolly's question, decisions about acting ministerial arrangements are made by the Chief Minister, and I suggest that he ask him about that matter. In terms of the first part of his question, I consider it to be somewhat political; it is one of those throwaway lines to which in recent times Mr Connolly is becoming addicted. The fact is that the department of education will continue to serve this Government faithfully and efficiently as it served the previous Follett Government, and I am confident that we will deliver a high quality of service as a result of its endeavours.

X-Rated Videos

MR STEVENSON: My question is to the Attorney-General, Mr Collaery. Is the Attorney-General aware of a recent communique by Justice Murray on behalf of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia, which calls for a ban on X-rated videos because of the widespread problems caused by the exploitative and degrading nature of such pornography, particularly the effects on children?

MR COLLAERY: I thank Mr Stevenson for his question. No.

MR STEVENSON: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Would the Attorney-General be prepared to find out if that is the case, and take note of those concerns by the Anglican Church?


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