Page 4883 - Week 16 - Thursday, 29 November 1990

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least it will be in Hansard that the Government members ran like rats and had to leave. I congratulate you, Mr Speaker. You hung in and stayed there. At least somebody held up the flag for the Government.

Mr Speaker, it is really very sad to think that, on a day when they were so worried that they had to run away, we could have discussed schools and hospitals, the most serious things that are happening in this city. This Government is changing the city that everybody likes, and people do not like the fact that it is being changed. Never mind, Mr Speaker, they will all be gone at the next election so they will not have to worry about running out. They have gone, and that is it.

Royal Canberra Hospital Bill

MR MOORE (5.47): Mr Speaker, I seek leave of the Assembly to bring on private members' business, order of the day, No. 10 on the notice paper.

I believe that the normal thing is for you to say, "Is leave granted?".

MR SPEAKER: I realise what the normal thing is. These are not normal circumstances.

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, if the Government is not prepared to sit in the house, that is its problem. We grant you leave.

MR MOORE: Good to see you, Dr Kinloch.

Mrs Grassby: Dr Kinloch, we want to discuss schools and you are going to stop it being done.

MR MOORE: The hospitals Bill is the one I am bringing on, Dr Kinloch. I am sure you will be delighted to bring it on.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore! Is leave granted? That is where I am up to.

Leave not granted.

MR MOORE: In that case, Mr Speaker, I move:

That so much of standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent order of the day No. 10, private Members' business being called on forthwith.

Dr Kinloch: Mr Speaker, I was on my feet.

MR MOORE: So was I. I am still on my feet.

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