Page 4827 - Week 16 - Thursday, 29 November 1990
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Mr Connolly: That is not what the Chief Minister just said.
MR DUBY: You support the comments, do you, Mr Connolly? Good, let the record show that. Secondly, the basic facts upon which this letter is based have been misrepresented by the writer, and it would have taken very little effort on behalf of the Canberra Times to have verified those facts. In the letter he says that the parking signs to which he refers have been changed since he last used them, et cetera, and therefore he was not aware of the facts. The parking signs to which he refers, of course, have not been changed in that area for the last five years.
The intolerant tone of the letter clearly does not consider the cost of the infrastructure that is required for both the establishment and the maintenance of public parking facilities in Canberra. I regard the letter to be both intolerant and abusive towards the parking inspectors and support staff, as well as an incorrect statement of the facts. I am very pleased to say that Mr Durrant is not a Canberra resident; he comes from a place called Young in New South Wales. I am glad that he is not from around here anyway. He asks in his letter that "a sense of decency and fair play would prevail", and in my view that is the one thing that his letter is lacking.
X-Rated Videos
MR STEVENSON: My question is to the Attorney-General. Would the Attorney-General indicate what exact proposals he has made to the Federal Attorney-General with regard to having X-rated videos banned, specifically in Canberra and the Northern Territory, as they are banned everywhere else? Does Mr Collaery acknowledge that the reason that the New South Wales Attorney-General, Mr Dowd, is taking action to outlaw the production of the porn videos in New South Wales is their distribution to New South Wales from the ACT?
MR COLLAERY: I thank Mr Stevenson for the question. As I read into the record a short while ago, Mr Dowd, in fact, said that his information was that the overwhelming bulk of videos sold in the ACT by mail or otherwise for transporting into New South Wales are made in New South Wales. Clearly Mr Stevenson will rely on Mr Dowd's words selectively, but not accept what he says elsewhere.
Mr Speaker, I also have to hand a media release by Mr Stevenson, dated 29 November 1990, in which he says, amongst other things, that until his Bill to ban X-rated porn is passed the ACT Government is condoning the rape, murder and sexual abuse of children. He goes on to again identify me personally as being the person who is allowing this to occur in the Territory. I say to you, Mr Speaker, that that is a disgraceful media release. It is picked up
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