Page 4793 - Week 16 - Thursday, 29 November 1990

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These proposals of the Government provide suitable protection for the various officials who act in accordance with this Act. Rather than the ACT being behind or out of step, as Mrs Grassby and Mr Connolly seem to want to suggest, in fact the ACT, as my colleague the Attorney-General has indicated, is leading the way. It may be that at the end of the discussion it will be seen, in fact, that the ACT is leading the way and, in fact, the other States will fall into line, as has clearly been the indication by the number of legal issues and matters that have been raised.

Let me now continue to make some further comments on those matters of consultation that were raised by Mrs Grassby when she started. I was advised as late as last night that the Conservation Council of Canberra and the South-East Region fully supported the thrust of the legislation. They pressed me to ensure - - -

Mrs Grassby: That is not true.

MR JENSEN: That is true, Mrs Grassby.

Mrs Grassby: That is not true.

MR JENSEN: I will not provide you with the name.

Mrs Grassby: It is not true.

MR JENSEN: I can assure you that it is true.

Mrs Grassby: I can tell you - Graeme Evans. He rang me, too.

MR JENSEN: He spoke to me last night, Mrs Grassby. As late as 11 o'clock last night I spoke to Mr Evans and he asked me to ensure that the Government proceeded with this proposal in this regard. He, in fact, indicated to me that any suggestion that the Crown should have complete immunity from here was disgraceful and should not be allowed. Therefore, Mrs Grassby, I suggest that you may need to go and have another discussion with Mr Evans. He might not be quite as complimentary as you might think.

I notice also Mrs Grassby's comments about the rural fire control manual. I suggest that Mrs Grassby should have taken the time to look at the explanatory memorandum for the Bill, because she asked the question, "What is the fire manual going to do?". Well, it is laid out there in black and white, if you like, in the explanatory memorandum.

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