Page 4762 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 28 November 1990

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but they have no more powers than exist now. The system of cautions and admonishments and the rest that we have brought in for early offenders is preserved and the police will have to abide by them, by law.

Mr Deputy Speaker, I commend the Bill to the house. I thank members for their support and I trust that this will be the first step in widespread reviews of legislation that we have inherited.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 29, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 30

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (4.28): Mr Deputy Speaker, I table a supplementary explanatory memorandum for this Bill and I seek leave to move together Government amendments Nos 1 and 2, as circulated in the chamber.

Leave granted.


Page 16, paragraph 30(d), line 3, omit the paragraph.

Page 16, paragraph 30(e), proposed new paragraph 46(1)(c), line 7, insert "undue" before "disturbance".

Amendments agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 31

Amendments (by Mr Collaery), by leave, agreed to:

Page 16, line 20, add at the end of the heading to proposed new Division 4, "and issue of reprimands".

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