Page 4745 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 28 November 1990

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competitive facilities are available there for competition at the level of Commonwealth Games but also that those same facilities can apply to learn-to-swim classes and can provide an opportunity where families, at no great expense, can get their children into swimming facilities and ensure that they are looked after adequately in this area.

There is a great gap in the community facilities in Tuggeranong and it requires very prompt action by the Government, but it also gives it the opportunity to look at what it was offering and to rethink the facilities that are there, particularly in the light of that Commonwealth Games bid. I know that there is a big gap between 1992, when you will no longer be in, and 2002; nevertheless, in the interests of the Canberra community, I think it is an appropriate time to rethink that and to take appropriate action.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General): Mr Speaker, pursuant to section 97(3) of the Audit Act 1989 I table the following papers for the information of members:

Audit Act - Australian Capital Territory Community and Health Service - Report and financial statements, including the Auditor-General's report and freedom of information statement for 1988-89.

Audit Act - ACT Institute of Technical and Further Education - Report for 1989.


Debate resumed from 21 November 1990, on motion by Mr Collaery:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

MR CONNOLLY (3.28): Mr Speaker, the Opposition is, in general, supportive of this amending Bill, but we do have some reservations about the way in which it has come before the house and the speed with which it has progressed. It highlights the great inconsistency in the way this Alliance Government seems to go about the legislative process. On some matters we get statements months and months in advance that some things are under contemplation and constant updates, as it were, of what the Government's latest thinking is on a matter and yet the legislation takes a long time to appear and, when it does appear, it takes a

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