Page 4656 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 27 November 1990

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Ms Follett: Where is the rest of it then? Where is the $3m?

MR JENSEN: I will get to that, Ms Follett, if you will just be very patient and listen for a change. The SLISS fund, or the sports low interest subsidy scheme, provided $3.7m. The Tuggeranong community centre has been identified as taking $4.820m. That is the community centre that Mr Berry forgot about for a while. He had to be reminded that it needed to have a bit of a kick along. This Government has finally put it together and got it on its way. The visual arts studio and related activities, $0.543m; fencing for Quamby, $100,000; new recurring expenditure, $2.637m, are the initiatives that the Chief Minister referred to as one of the reasons for the community fund. It enabled them, in fact, to provide funding for a number of community-based initiatives, going from community sector grants, youth health workers, an adolescent day care unit, special needs workers, youth sector training, community service orders operations, and so on. That is a total of $2.637m and a very important aspect of the budget.

Ms Follett: Where is the rest of it?

MR JENSEN: I shall come to that in a moment, Ms Follett. During this particular financial year, of that $12.86m that has been committed, there is $5.09m that in fact has been spent out of that particular program. So, $5.09m is already committed, if you like, out of those funds in this financial year. The remainder will, of course - - -

Mr Berry: Consultation. That is what it says in there. You have not talked about consultation.

MR JENSEN: I will get to consultation in a minute, Mr Berry. This figure is identified on page 27 of budget paper No. 4. Now, the amounts uncommitted, I guess, are the figures that Ms Follett is talking about - - -

Ms Follett: No, the amount missing, the $3m.

MR JENSEN: The amount uncommitted, Ms Follett, not missing. It is not missing. It is $2.916m in fact, which is available for commitment in future years. Unlike that particular group opposite, Mr Speaker, who decided to clean out the Community Development Fund in their last days in office, this Government has decided to ensure that there is a reserve, if you like, a $2.916m reserve, that is yet to be committed and is available for commitment in future years. That, Mr Speaker, is the money that Ms Follett is talking about.

Ms Follett: Where is it?

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