Page 4653 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 27 November 1990

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Mr Jensen: Like the Tuggeranong Arts Festival last year.

MRS GRASSBY: Mr Speaker, there are times when I wish that Mr Jensen's parents had never met. A wonderful event held in Canberra last year, the horse showjumping competition, looks as though it will be going down the drain. They currently do not know whether they will be receiving funding. As a result, they cannot arrange TV rights and other publicity events. Everyone knows that this event could bring many people to Canberra to swell the coffers at a time when we need the tourist dollar. However, it is clear that the Government, in abolishing the CDF, is prepared to jeopardise this event.

Turning to the Canberra Festival, this is one of the best festivals in any capital city. We now find that it could also be at risk, not only by a potential lack of funding but also because of the charges now levied by Government. This is just like the multicultural Australia Day Festival which last year received $10,000 and was not charged by the Department of Urban Services for the clean-up bill. This year, however, the festival has been given an extra $4,000 in up-front funding but then has been billed some $6,000 in charges. In other words, there has been a cut in real terms to their funding. Both these festivals are part of Canberra and this Bill demises their ability to flourish. The Canberra community, Mr Speaker, will not be pleased, and it will be those opposite who will be paying the ultimate price for their miserable approach to the ACT community. We will find that out at the next Assembly elections. Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Labor Party and the very great majority of Canberrans, I would like to express my distress and opposition to this terrible Bill.

MR JENSEN (10.03): One wonders, Mr Speaker, about the comments coming from across the floor. It seems, Mr Speaker, that Ms Follett must have got a bit of a hurry-up from those in the party last week, or after her performance on the floor of the house during the budget process. It would be fair to say that this must have taken place after such a dismal performance. When one looks at the Hansard for the debate in relation to the Appropriation Bill one finds that there was a dismal performance on the part of the Leader of the Opposition in relation to this matter.

Ms Follett: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Jensen is debating the Appropriation Bill which we passed last week. I query the relevance of that.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms Follett. Mr Jensen, please stick to the point.

MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, what I am seeking to do, in response to suggestions that this Government is not performing well, is to indicate to the members of the house the dismal performance of the people opposite. I do not see a problem. I would suggest, Mr Speaker, that that is quite relevant.

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