Page 4651 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 27 November 1990

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given its commitment to maintain both 1990-91 and 1991-92 recurrent expenditure at last year's financial year levels in real terms. People should not be deluded about the level of support the Government intends to make for community organisations in that process and there will still be an opportunity for community input to the grant allocation process. But the fact is that the buck will stop very clearly where it should stop under self-government, and that is with the Government of the ACT, not elsewhere.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I rise under standing order 47. It seems that Mr Humphries has misunderstood what I was saying in my speech on the matter.

MR SPEAKER: Is this a personal explanation?

Mr Berry: No; I refer to standing order 47, Mr Speaker. Mr Humphries took the view that the Opposition was arguing that the Government would stop funding community organisations, to use his words. That was not the Opposition's point of view and it certainly was not my point of view. The position that we were putting forward was that the Government had ripped off the Community Development Fund - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I submit that Mr Berry is using this as a subterfuge to speak twice. I suggest that he be told to sit down and let the debate continue.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Chief Minister; but standing order 47 is quite explicit. He is not to bring in any new matter. He is to relate only to that misunderstood part of his speech.

Mr Berry: That is right, Mr Speaker, and I would not seek to bring in any new matter. In fact, what we have been saying very clearly is that the Government has ripped off the Community Development Fund and secreted it away and some of those funds will not reach community organisations at the same level provided by Rosemary Follett in her first budget.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I rise under standing order 47 to take a similar point to Mr Berry's. In his speech Mr Berry said that I had said in this place that a sum of $1.8m had been conceded by me as being missing from the fund. Now, he was challenged - - -

Mr Berry: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. I think Mr Collaery ought to refer to the transcript in relation to that matter. That is not what I said.

Mr Collaery: What did you say?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, thank you for your observation. Mr Collaery, please make your point.

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