Page 4643 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 27 November 1990

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advanced as annual appropriations and be subjected to the scrutiny and approval of the Legislative Assembly. Therefore, I think their complaints about consultation, et cetera, do not bear weight.

In revising the funding arrangements the Government has ensured that community groups currently funded through the CDF are not disadvantaged. Entitlement to CDF funds committed for programs prior to 31 December 1990 are protected by transitional provisions contained in the Community Development Fund (Repeal) Bill that we are debating tonight.

Mr Wood: Are you promising that?

MR DUBY: It is in the legislation that we are going to pass this evening whether you like it or not. The Government has also given a commitment to maintain 1990-91 and 1991-92 recurrent expenditure at the 1989-90 levels in real terms. In addition to this, from 1 January 1991 the Government has agreed to make available additional one-off recurrent and capital grants to be funded from surplus CDF funds, something which I think this whole debate - - -

Mr Wood: It is a net loss, and you know it.

MR DUBY: The interjections we are receiving from this squishy-squashy soft centre are indicating that - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby! I would just like to let Mr Wood know that I am timing his debate speech in case he wanted to have another turn. Please proceed, Mr Duby.

Mr Wood: That is fine. I do not mind that at all.

MR DUBY: As I was saying, Mr Speaker, from 1 January 1991 the Government has agreed to make available additional one-off recurrent and capital grants to be funded from the surplus CDF funds.

Mr Speaker, in essence the combined purpose of the Community Development Fund (Repeal) Bill 1990, the Pool Betting (Amendment) Bill 1990 and the Gaming Machine (Amendment) Bill (No. 2) 1990 is to remove an outdated mechanism for funding community organisations - are you listening to this, Mr Wood; you have listened to everything else, so listen to this - and to provide for the introduction of funding arrangements consistent with those operating for other ACT budgetary programs.

I know that all thinking members of the Assembly will support the passage of the Bills. Actually, to be perfectly honest with you, Mr Speaker, I am looking forward to the further ludicrous debate from the other side. The first two speakers against this Bill have provided nothing but comic light relief to the very clear and sound provisions that the Government is implementing with this legislation. I look forward to hearing some words of

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