Page 4609 - Week 16 - Tuesday, 27 November 1990

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thought that the person leasing would have had to take care of these repairs while they were leasing, as under any other contract or any other lease. We are selling a valuable piece of property, a 99-year lease - none of us here will be around when that expires - for $320,000 when the person who is buying it has offered it to a club for millions. This is selling out the heritage of Canberra, the rights of the people.

Mr Kaine: Don't you think they ought to pay for the skating rink if they buy it?

MRS GRASSBY: We are talking about the fact that they had a lease.

Mr Kaine: The $320,000 is to do with the lease, not the skating rink, which is an asset that they want to sell.

MRS GRASSBY: The $320,000 is to do with the pool.

Mr Kaine: No, it is not; it is to do with the whole site.

MRS GRASSBY: But they do not own the pool.

Mr Kaine: It is the land on which the pool and the rink - - -

MRS GRASSBY: But they do not own the pool. The pool was just leased to them. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, it belongs to the people. It does not belong to them; it belongs to the people. Here it is being sold for $320,000 when we could let another 10-year lease go. I do not think the Chief Minister listened to me. This arrangement was to continue for 10 years, at which time the facility would revert to the Government, which would not have to repay any compensation. That is in the lease. I have a photocopy of the lease here.

Mr Kaine: You would then have to buy the skating rink.

MRS GRASSBY: You would not have had to buy it. It must be worth millions then. He wants to sell the whole lot for millions; yet you are selling it for $320,000. I find this absolutely incredible. Why cannot I get some answers to the questions on the notice paper?

Mr Kaine: You would not understand it if we told you, obviously.

MRS GRASSBY: Yes, I do understand it, Chief Minister. I would like to read out what was said on the Pru Goward program. I do not think you understood it. I have a copy of what was said on the Pru Goward program here. I would be quite happy to table it rather than read it all out. I am telling you, Mr Chief Minister, that you did not understand it. I have a very good copy of it here, Mr Chief Minister, and I would be very happy to table this so that you can read it. I have marked it. You do not understand the lease and I suggest that - - -

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