Page 4499 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990
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industry. Brown and Dureau has reduced its staff by some 45 people over the last six months in an effort to reduce financial losses and to produce the ply at a competitive rate.
Today, regrettably, the company announced its decision to close the plymill permanently and to concentrate its efforts on the sawmill which, with the injection of further capital, should be better able to compete in the interstate market. Whilst the closure will result in the loss of approximately 60 full-time jobs, the planned expansion of the sawmill is expected to provide increased job opportunities when the economy picks up.
The closure of the plymill results from the depressed state of the economy and is a demonstration, Mr Speaker, that the ACT is not immune from economic realities being faced throughout Australia. From an ACT Government viewpoint, the loss of jobs in the local region is obviously regretted. The company's plans to upgrade its sawmill, which in the longer term will improve competitiveness and lead to new jobs, are an indication of the company's continued commitment to the ACT and the region. Negotiations with the company in relation to our ACT forests contract to supply timber to them are currently under way now that the plymill is closing.
MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I request that any further questions be placed on the notice paper.
Planning - Leases
MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I would like to provide an answer to a question which I took on notice yesterday from Mr Moore in connection with section 52 in Civic Centre. It is a fairly lengthy answer. I think the best thing is that I table it and Mr Moore can follow it up with me later if he wishes.
MR SPEAKER: Yes. Are you seeking leave to incorporate it in Hansard, Chief Minister?
MR KAINE: Yes, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted? There being no objection, leave is granted.
Document incorporated at appendix 3
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