Page 4493 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990
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service was in crisis. In their view there had been some considerable exaggeration about the nature of the dispute and of the questions which gave rise to it and they felt that it was appropriate that the Government and the union return immediately to the negotiating table.
I might also indicate, Mr Speaker, that some of the bans placed by the union were defied by some ambulance officers in the course of that dispute. I will advise the Assembly of the outcome of the joint staffing paper after its consideration by Government, but I do believe that we have now reached a formula which will see an end to ongoing problems in the Ambulance Service.
Minister for Education
MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, my question is again to the Chief Minister. I would, firstly, ask him to confirm a media statement or a media comment that the Minister for Education will be taking a fairly lengthy break and will be away from the ACT for quite a long period during the summer recess. I would ask Mr Kaine whether he can tell us for what period the Minister for Education will be absent and who will be acting as the Minister for Education. Particularly given that it will be a period in which schools are closing and people are starting at new schools, how will Mr Kaine ensure that parents and school communities have access to the Government during that time?
MR KAINE: I have not asked Mr Humphries what his plans are for the Christmas break yet. At the appropriate time I will determine what the movements of the other Ministers are during the recess of the Assembly. In accordance with the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act the Deputy Chief Minister will assume responsibility for the Chief Minister,s responsibilities and I will make other determinations as to the responsibility of any other absent Minister.
It is within the power of the Chief Minister to require that any Minister perform the duties of any other Minister. Appropriate arrangements will be set in place. The business of the Government will continue. It is not going to stop just because I am out of the country for a few days, any more than it stops when I go interstate to attend Ministers' councils. Appropriate arrangements will be set in place to ensure that the business of the Government goes on.
MS FOLLETT: I have a supplementary question. Mr Speaker, I would ask the Chief Minister whether he can inform the Assembly whether there will be a period during which both he and Mr Humphries will be absent from Australia. Will he advise whether he is prepared to leave the administration of the ACT in the hands of Mr Collaery and Mr Duby?
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