Page 4483 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990

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thought to this, like all your planning, rather belatedly. You have had some advice passed to you on it, so you may now be in a position to respond.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (12.20): Mr Speaker, Mr Wood is jousting at windmills again. The concern that he raises in respect of a budget program appropriating $180m is hardly of great concern, given the small nature of the changes that we are considering. In the present context of the Government's decision to close four primary schools the figure, incidentally, is a bit misleading. Mr Wood referred to nine in our original decision, which I think was an admission of the fact that there is also a high school in that equation. In addition, there are two primary schools closing in one area and one primary school is opening. Nine may be an accurate figure for the original decision. If that is the case, six is the accurate figure for this decision.

Mr Wood: That only adds to my case.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is by the by. The estimated savings for this financial year are not significant in comparison with that figure of $180m. They are really quite small. Mr Wood said on one occasion that he did not think there was any figure at all, so it is an admission on his part now that there is some small saving to be made this financial year.

Mr Wood: Do you not remember yesterday's debate and the thing that I read out to you?

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes. Mr Wood is not listening very hard because I am referring to some savings in this financial year. Mr Wood definitely said at one stage that he thought there were no savings to be made in this financial year. If he forgets, I will certainly be happy to find it in Hansard and remind him.

The effect on the budget of that decision of earlier this week is being evaluated at present. Any change to the figure that had been put forward would be met from the Treasurer's Advance. Significant savings in transition costs are quite possible. So I think in the circumstances Mr Wood need not be concerned.

Debate (on motion by Mr Moore) adjourned.

Sitting suspended from 12.24 to 2.30 pm

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