Page 4478 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990

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have not heard anything at all from the Government on the development of the heritage protection legislation. If the Minister has a comment in relation to when we might expect that, I would be very pleased to hear it.

The final point, Mr Speaker, is the question of dog control and animal welfare generally. Dog control continues to be one of the most popular issues in correspondence, at least in my office and I guess in all members' offices. There continues to be an extraordinarily high level of complaint about dog nuisance and dog attacks. It comes within the program that we have under discussion this morning. If resources are being allocated to improve that problem, I would like to hear it from the Minister.

On the question of animal welfare, Mr Speaker, I would like to hear from the Minister on what date we can expect the animal welfare legislation to be brought before the house. I know that we have had a working paper around for some time, and it is a matter of translating it into legislation. I would like to hear from the Minister when we will see that in the Assembly.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (12.06): As I said before, it is almost like a wish list put up by the Leader of the Opposition on a number of issues. Frankly, quite a number of these issues have been dealt with, both in the Assembly and, I believe, in the Estimates Committee, a number of times.

She mentioned, for example, endangered species. I am well aware that only some months ago I answered a question in the Assembly about those particular species, namely, the legless lizard and the day moth. Yes, Larry the legless lizard. I am positive that if she cares to read the answer that was given then, she will find that it is just as adequate today as it was when I gave it some months ago.

With regard to the Captains Flat runoff, I frankly am amazed. Ms Follett has written me some letters regarding the monitoring of the quality of the water that has flowed from Captains Flat into the ACT. That water quality has been closely monitored, and the levels of pollutants and heavy metals in that water fall well within the safety levels.

Ms Follett: No, they do not. That is what your letter says. It is not what the table shows.

MR DUBY: They fall well within the safety levels, as indicated by the NHMRC, for those particular noxious chemicals and metals. I personally am not responsible for the stapling of attachments to my letters.

Ms Follett: You signed it.

MR DUBY: I signed the letter, not the attachment. If Ms Follett would care to either table the letter and the attachment or bring them to my attention to show me where

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