Page 4476 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990
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MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (11.58): Mr Speaker, I would like to welcome the support given by members of the Assembly to the recognition of the good and valuable work that the Parks and Conservation Bureau does throughout the community. It provides and maintains a large range of facilities within the community, which are used by a great number of people.
Mr Jensen: And education.
MR DUBY: It provides education, not just to schools but across the community as a whole, as to the need to look after our environment. I think that is something that we all support and endorse.
I would like to comment on one thing, though, in relation to the comments made by Mr Moore relating to the Orroral Valley and Honeysuckle Creek tracking stations. I think it should be pointed out that those buildings, whilst they had been badly vandalised, had been that way for many years.
Organisations really are only as good as the funding and control that they receive. The damage to those buildings occurred whilst they were in the control of the Commonwealth Government which, in my view, did not take sufficient interest in those properties. As a result, when they were handed over to the ACT Government they were already in a sorry state. I think it is only fair to point out to Mr Moore that the sorry state of disrepair is in no way due to lack of foresight or planning by either the previous ACT Government or this one.
In a lot of ways, organisations are only as good as their members. I endorse the comments made by Mrs Grassby about park rangers. If there were ever a group of people who must enjoy their jobs, it is them. I am told that the vast majority of park rangers spend their annual leave bushwalking and camping. The enjoyment of their jobs by these people certainly shows in the dedication and enthusiasm that they put into their work. It is appreciated by all of us, and by me as Minister in particular. I am pleased to hear one part of my portfolio receiving such bouquets from the rest of the Assembly.
MR MOORE (12.01): I would just like to clarify that position, Mr Speaker. The comment that I made drew on experience which I accept was before self-government. Nevertheless, I think it is incumbent upon us to look forward to how we can ensure that the same sorts of things do not happen to other historical places.
MS FOLLETT (Leader of the Opposition) (12.01): Now that Mr Duby has patted himself on the head over this, I want to raise with him a few problems within this area of the Appropriation Bill. I think there are a few issues that have not really been addressed in sufficient detail in the process of the budget or the Estimates Committee, but I would appreciate his comments on them.
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