Page 4439 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 21 November 1990

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Mr Berry: No legislation.

MR KAINE: The legislation will come to the Assembly when it has been subjected to a further round of public consultation. You talk about public consultation! When we engage in it, all you do is bitch. You can never be satisfied. If we do not indulge in it, we are not indulging in community consultation. When we do indulge in it, it is taking too long. You cannot have it both ways, Mr Berry. When the legislation comes before this Assembly, as it will soon, it will be good legislation; it will incorporate the comments of the entire community; it will be amended to reflect their views. It will not be amended to reflect yours because you have not bothered to comment on it. That shows how much you are interested in this legislation. I doubt whether you have even read it. So do not get holier than thou with me.

When it comes forward, it will be good legislation, and Mr Connolly himself publicly stated that it was better to get it right than to get it in haste. Those were Mr Connolly's words and he cannot deny it. I hesitate to use the word "hypocrite" in connection with Mr Connolly because he is a nice guy; but, when members of the Opposition say "Where is the legislation? We are still waiting for your legislation", I do not know quite where it stops, Mr Speaker.

MR MOORE (4.41): I thought I would take the opportunity to speak on this particular topic as well because I know at least three members of this Assembly that have been working on that planning legislation since before the time that John Mant was brought in to start putting it together back in, I suppose, 1987 or perhaps 1988. I think that what we have is an appropriate process and I must say that I am delighted with the way that it is going.

We all would have liked to have seen that legislation in place a lot earlier, but I think that, in fact, the process is appropriate. The consultation process is extensive, and so it should be.

Perhaps Mr Connolly's comments were not directed so much at the legislation as Mr Collaery's reaction to it at this time last year, which I think is an entirely different thing - one that the Chief Minister did not really deal with.

Proposed expenditure agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 80 - Land, $16,836,100 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 90 - Agency Planning and Resource Management for the Department of the Environment, Land and Planning, $2,323,000 - agreed to.

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