Page 4428 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 21 November 1990

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MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, the matter was not quite clear because I referred to the situation then in broad terms, but I wanted to make it very clear now that we have the words in front of us. I think it is appropriate, Mr Speaker, that the Chief Minister be asked to withdraw that notion of self-gratification so that it can be made quite clear that travel undertaken by members of any committee follows a set pattern of approval and is above board.


MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (4.07): Mr Speaker, I present the Liquor (Amendment) Bill 1990. I move:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

The Liquor Act 1975 has been long overdue for a review of its provisions and workings. This Bill represents a significant milestone in ensuring that the Liquor Act is updated to reflect present community standards and expectations. It does not incorporate amendments to give effect to the Government's decision to abolish the ACT Gaming and Liquor Authority and return the Authority's regulatory functions to the mainstream of government. These amendments have been drafted separately and will be introduced later in these sittings.

The amendments proposed here are significant and include provision for: greater emphasis to be placed on liquor licensees to ensure that the people they serve are over the age of 18; more stringent criteria to judge whether a person is suitable to obtain or retain a liquor licence; the licensing authority to be given wider powers to issue directions, or suspend or cancel liquor licences - at present these powers are not available to the Authority in the appropriate circumstances; updating the present cumbersome licence fee assessment and payment procedures; a new licence category to be introduced to meet special industry requirements, for example, tourism; a review of penalties under the Act; and a number of other amendments aimed at improving the administration and working of the liquor industry in the ACT.

I should add that the Government intends to introduce in the new year a further Bill amending the Liquor Act to introduce other possible schemes of arrangements.

The amendments I propose in this Bill and those outlined above for future Bills will help to ensure that the ACT liquor industry is appropriately regulated and efficiently administered in order to retain its viability through the 1990s and beyond. Mr Speaker, I commend this Bill to the Assembly, and I present the explanatory memorandum.

Debate (on motion by Mr Connolly) adjourned.

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