Page 4403 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 21 November 1990

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MR JENSEN: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. My supplementary question is: in the light of that answer, I wonder whether Mr Moore is able to indicate to the Assembly why he chose to use the medium of the Canberra Times rather than this Assembly, which appointed the committee, to raise the issues?

MR MOORE: I am not quite sure what Mr Jensen is driving at, but the committee decided that as it approached those particular issues it - - -

Mr Duby: Its reporting date?

MR MOORE: There is no reporting date and the committee has not determined yet what its reporting date is going to be.

Mr Kaine: We can soon change that. Would you like one? We will nominate one for you.


MR MOORE: If, as the Assembly, you wish to change that, that is your prerogative. Instead, what the committee decided, and quite appropriately, I think, is that it would expose the Canberra people to a range of options and ideas that it was considering. We have not drawn any conclusions. If Mr Jensen and the Chief Minister had read that in detail they would realise that, as I am sure Mr Collaery did, because he has always taken a particular interest in the issue - a positive interest, I might say to him. We have always had positive responses and assistance from him and from his department in dealing with those issues.

So, what the committee decided to do was to expose some of those issues so that we could ensure that the debate was widespread in the community, so that we could understand what the community was thinking, and so that we could deal with those issues and ensure that the report that we bring down is a bipartisan report and a report that will be acceptable, if possible, to either the current Alliance Government, should it be in power when the report comes down - I must say, Mr Speaker, for the record, that that was said tongue-in-cheek - or for the Labor Government when it takes over.

School Closures

MR WOOD: He goes on nearly as long as Mr Collaery, does he not? Mr Speaker, I have a question for the Minister for Education. I refer to Dr Kinloch's claims which were established in a letter he directed to Mr Hudson that he read this morning. As I recall, he said that the joint party room was presented with loaded information for its consideration, and that this was due to the deliberate misleading of members or to incompetence. As you are the responsible Minister - - -

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