Page 4395 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 21 November 1990

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Ainslie Transfer Station

MR JENSEN: My question is directed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. I am sure the Minister is aware of the comments in relation to the Ainslie Transfer Station. I wonder whether the Minister could inform the Assembly how the residents of north Canberra have responded to the closure of the transfer station in terms of waste disposal and recycling. In particular, have concerns about illegal dumping been realised?

MR DUBY: I thank Mr Jensen for the question. That has been a matter of concern for a number of people, and I am pleased to say that the statistics indicate that in general the volume of recyclables being collected since the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station has been maintained and, in the case of glass, increased. As the Government's recycling strategy continues to be implemented and the expanded network of collection facilities installed, the volume of recyclables collected is expected to rise. Upon the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station, facilities for the collection of PET plastic and aluminium were provided at Ainslie, Hackett and Dickson shopping centres, and all shopping centres in the area were provided with bottle banks for the collection of glass.

In addition, of course, the new Mitchell recycling centre was officially opened on 21 September this year. As well, as part of the contract for the composting facility at the West Belconnen landfill site, a garden waste drop-off facility at Mitchell will commence operation this very Saturday. That is something which I think will be appreciated by the north side residents as they can now drop their organic materials to be composted. One of the major complaints that people had about the loss of the Ainslie Transfer Station was that there was nowhere to put their garden clippings.

I am pleased to say that the concerns expressed in regard to increased illegal dumping as a result of the closure of the Ainslie Transfer Station were totally unfounded. The residents of north Canberra have acted in a very responsible fashion and have not participated in the calls put upon them by many opponents of that closure who, in effect, requested people to dump rubbish illegally throughout the north side. The citizens did not respond to that.

Tuggeranong Swimming Pool

MR CONNOLLY: My question is to Mr Duby as Minister for Urban Services, and the question relates to the Tuggeranong swimming pool facility. My questions are: has Decoin Pty Limited been formally offered a lease to construct a swimming pool facility in Tuggeranong; when was the offer made; has the lease been accepted; and, if not, what deadline for acceptance has been imposed?

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