Page 4345 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 20 November 1990

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(3)There is a number of programs in the ACT which provide assistance to young people seeking employment. Within the portfolio of the Minister for Housing and Community Services the Youth Affairs Unit is receiving funding of $138,000 in 1990/91 to develop a program called Streetlink; which is an integrated support package for young people utilising a streetwork model. Two teams of workers, one based North and one South, will access young people currently not using mainstream services. The workers will deal with the interrelated issues the young person is experiencing which could range from employment and income security to housing and health. While the program does not have a discrete employment focus, employment issues will necessarily be dealt with during the normal operation of the program.

In addition, the ACTs Youth Centre network provides support for unemployed young people. This ranges from one-to-one support, to groups and regular activities. Again, the centres do not have only an employment focus but deal with the associated issues in the context of their standard programs.

And, within my own portfolio there are the

activities of several community-based organisations which are

funded under the Employment and Training Grants Program of

the Community Development Fund. Such organisations include:

Work Resources Centre; Jobline; the Red Cross through their

Involve program; and Caloola Farm. Grants approved for these

organisations in 1990/91 total $234,000.


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