Page 4228 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 20 November 1990
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building will have direct access to the paediatric wards. Construction is under way or will get under way in the next few weeks and I believe, Mr Speaker, that this will provide, through close planning and consultation with affected parties in the hospital system, a considerably enhanced service to women in Canberra and will put the ACT into a considerably better position than it finds itself in at the present time.
School Closures - Tenants
MRS GRASSBY: My question is also to Mr Humphries, the Minister for Education. Where will the Independent Living Centre at Macquarie and the tenants at South Curtin be relocated?
MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I thank Mrs Grassby for her question. This, in fact, is a question that has been asked before and which - - -
Mrs Grassby: We would just like you to answer it; that is all.
MR HUMPHRIES: The answer will be much the same as it was before, namely, that the Government will make a decision when the available evidence is in. There have been some changes in the circumstances in the last few hours. The decision that the Government has announced on the closure of four schools will have to have some implications for other parts of the decisions that have been made previously or that have been mooted previously, and for that reason we will need to examine what are the most appropriate locations for those services.
However, I can assure Mrs Grassby that none of the services she mentions will go by the board, disappear into limbo, or be scaled down, wound back or otherwise put on ice. They will continue to be offered to people in Canberra. The only difficulty will be establishing, through a process of consultation, what the most appropriate location for them would be.
Garbage Collection Services
MS MAHER: My question is to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. Can he inform the Assembly as to why the Government has divided the north side garbage collection into nine zones, which requires the use of two extra vehicles?
MR DUBY: I thank Ms Maher for her question. The north side garbage contracts were tendered on the basis of an equitable distribution of the number of dwellings to be serviced, taking into account the expected growth patterns
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