Page 4191 - Week 14 - Thursday, 25 October 1990
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the top of my head, sections 73 and 14 - as it still is outstanding. It is an issue which he could resolve by refunding the $180. But the fact remains that he has accepted such an allowance and that under the self-government Act there really is a requirement for him to vacate his office. There will be a need for some clarification from the Speaker as to how a member is brought to vacate his office under such circumstances, whether or not Mr Collaery should vacate his office and whether Mr Duby also should vacate his office, not as a Minister but as a member of the Assembly. I believe it would be a great gift to Canberra if we could deliver Mr Collaery and Mr Duby away from the Alliance Government and back into the community, out of this Assembly.
The issue of travel brings up not just the way in which the Ministers failed to face their responsibilities and acquit the moneys according to the appropriate methodology but also the payment by both Ministers, in particular Mr Collaery - I understand that there was a reason behind Mr Duby's very late payment - after the Estimates Committee called for information about the money. It is very questionable. I think that the term "shoddy brothers" - - -
Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker: I suspect that Mr Moore is now getting into issues that are yet to be discussed in the Estimates Committee deliberations. I think it is appropriate that he should defer - - -
MR MOORE: I was referring to public documents. I seek an extension of time.
Leave not granted.
MR MOORE: I move that so much of standing orders be suspended as would allow me two more minutes.
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: You do not have to move the suspension of standing orders, Mr Moore. You can merely move a motion that you have an extension of time.
MR MOORE: Of course. I move:
That Mr Moore be granted an extension of time.
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: How long do you need?
MR MOORE: Two minutes.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
MR MOORE: The last term that I used was "shoddy brothers". They have not managed to deal with government money appropriately. It is a very questionable situation when we have a Minister - - -
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