Page 4085 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 24 October 1990

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I think it is probably also appropriate to mention at this juncture those members of the various Australian police forces around Australia who have participated in UN force operations in Cyprus. Some of them have, unfortunately, also been injured in answering the call of duty. I think it is appropriate to pause and reflect on those members of the forces of Australia, both military and police, who have served with distinction in the UN forces around the world. I would echo the comments made by Mr Stefaniak in the hope that with changing developments in world tensions, particularly in Europe, UN forces may no longer have to bear arms in conflict, and that arrangements may be made without the need for the force of arms and the subsequent loss of life that such activities often entail.

School Closures - Labor Policy

MR BERRY (4.35): Mr Speaker, I want to talk in this adjournment debate about some grossly inaccurate and misleading statements which have been made about the Labor Party's policy on the management of schools in the ACT. I have to say that Mr Collaery has, of course, persisted in pursuing this matter. The Labor Party's policy is clear, and this is what was read out by Mr Collaery some time in the not too distant past:

... no school will be closed or amalgamated unless the school community agrees.

Of course, Labor is serious about participation by the community. We are serious about empowerment of the community. We have promised to do it and we will do it. We promised, for this term, that no schools would close; but, of course, Mr Collaery has proven in the past that he is caught in some time warp at around about 1988 and cannot see the forest for the trees when it comes to the events of today.

Mr Speaker, I will read on to the record the Labor Party's policy adopted by the ACT branch at its most recent conference, so that it is very clear in the future and so that we cannot be - - -

Mr Wood: June this year, was it not?

MR BERRY: It was June this year, and it reads as follows:

Conference believes that the neighbourhood school -

which the Residents Rally allegedly supports -

is fundamental to local community identity and provides a focal point for community life. Neighbourhood schools are vital in providing a high standard of education because they are integral to their community.

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