Page 3907 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 23 October 1990

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Mr Humphries: Not pushing false facts about the matter. Try starting to tell the truth about the matter.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I heard Mr Humphries interject by saying, "Try starting to tell the truth about the matter". I do not know who that interjection was referring to, but I ask that - - -

Mr Humphries: It was referring to you.

Mr Berry: Was it to me?

Mr Humphries: Yes.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I take your objection. Please withdraw that, Mr Humphries.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, Mrs Grassby asked me before whether I would substantiate a claim that Mr Berry had told an untruth in the Assembly. I am perfectly happy to do so. I am securing the documentary evidence to prove that Mr Berry spoke an untruth in the Assembly. It is not available as yet. I am again happy to withdraw that assertion for the time being, but I will be coming back to this house tomorrow and proving that Mr Berry told a lie to the Assembly.

Mr Berry: That is a qualified withdrawal, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: No. He said he would withdraw it for the moment, Mr Berry. I think that is appropriate.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (4.01): Mr Speaker, today we have seen the usual response of the Leader of the Opposition to debates in this house. She has come in and told her usual tale of woe in spiteful fashion and has now left the Assembly again, presumably to go and do more important things. In her statement, the Leader of the Opposition maintained consistently that Minister Humphries had not been able to answer questions that Mr Berry had put. I find that a remarkable statement because Mr Humphries has shown me the questions which Mr Berry asked at the Estimates Committee hearing on 10 October. The answers to all his questions have been clearly provided by Minister Humphries. I cannot see what more Mr Berry could be implying when he is saying that the answers have not been given. The simple fact is that we acknowledge - - -

Mr Berry: List them. List the questions and list the answers.

MR DUBY: I am only too happy to do that. There are a number of questions here. "Is there a system of accruing overtime?", is a question and the answer is, "No, there is not". It is a pretty clear question and a pretty clear answer. "Is there is an amount of leave that is held beyond a year's entitlement?". "No, there is not". There

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