Page 3865 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 October 1990

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MR DUBY: There are usually eight or nine delegates at these conferences, and I think only two of them come from non-Labor areas. It is amazing, is it not?

Mr Collaery: Yes, exactly, and they get there a day before us and bring six staff members.

MR DUBY: Yes, and their wives. The debate on this issue has shown that there is a high degree of consensus on the importance of environmental issues, both globally and locally. The Government is working with the local community to address these issues. We have given the community a clear program of our objectives and priorities, and now it is up to all of us in this Assembly to work towards achieving the goal, which we all share, of maintaining and enhancing the ACT environment.

Mr Speaker, I think the environment strategy that was brought down by the Chief Minister is a good one, and all people in the ACT will undoubtedly endorse it.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (4.53): I know that those opposite - - -

Mr Connolly: Is it necessary for every member of the Government to speak on every paper?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I try not to respond to interjections across the chamber, but this is one to which I should respond.

Mr Connolly: You are just filling in time.

MR HUMPHRIES: No, there is no point in filling in time, Mr Connolly. It is 5 o'clock, so I could sit down, and we could all go home, if that were the case. I am rising because I have something important to say, I think, about the environment, and also to testify to the fact that this Government sees the environment as being very important. You are going to run around at various stages in this Territory and say to people, "Oh, the Government does not care about the environment. It is all lip service. It does not really have any regard for the environment. It is not really concerned. The members do not know anything about the environment", et cetera. I hope that you who are sitting here and your colleagues who are not sitting here will somehow impress on people the fact that we are very keen on ensuring that the ACT's environment is the best in this country.

Mr Speaker, with the demise over the last few years of the peace issue as a principal issue of concern, the environment issue has grown in importance in the minds of many people. I think it could be described as the biggest issue facing us today, at least in terms of public perception.

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