Page 3858 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 October 1990

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Let me turn to more local concerns. The Government is committed to putting its own house in order, and has committed $1m to investigating measures to improve energy efficiency in the Government Service. The Government has asked its agencies for comprehensive advice on this issue, and we intend to implement changes progressively. Mr Speaker, the Government recognises that the environmental debate needs to be informed. Governments have a responsibility to raise community awareness - - -

Debate interrupted.


MR SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Ministerial Statement and Paper

Debate resumed.

MRS NOLAN: Mr Speaker, as I was saying, governments have a responsibility to raise general community awareness of these issues and to place them in context. The booklet "Caring for our Environment" assists community education and awareness by giving practical advice on what Canberrans can do to conserve energy and lessen waste.

Mr Speaker, the measures about which I have spoken today mark a significant first stage of the Government's environmental strategy. It is important to set in train procedures and processes which ensure an integrated and comprehensive approach to the challenges that we face in tackling environmental problems. This Government is actively translating words into practical action on the environment front. It has developed a clear program of actions, which includes extensive community consultation, a focus on the long term and a recognition of the need for growth and development. The environment strategy is practical and affordable. It concentrates on achieving what is central to our concerns about the environment - clean air, clean water and productive soil.

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