Page 3833 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 October 1990

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ACT Public Works

MR DUBY: On 19 September, Mr Connolly asked the following question:

How many letters have in fact been sent to project managers requiring payment of moneys to subcontractors within seven days of receipt, and requiring audit of their accounts each month by the ACT Administration? Will Mr Duby table those letters requiring ACT Public Works audits of project managers?

I have a very detailed response to that question. I would like to have it placed in the record.

Response incorporated at Appendix 1

MR DUBY: Mr Speaker, I table the following papers:

ACT Public Works letter, dated 16 August 1990, and addressee list.

Project Managers - Procedure manual, dated January 1990.



Debate resumed from 9 August 1990, on motion by Dr Kinloch:

That the report be noted.

MRS GRASSBY (3.11): I rise to comment on some of the matters raised by Mr Duby in the Government's response to the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee's report on waste management. First of all, let me congratulate the Government for accepting the minority report prepared by my colleague Mr Wood, who argued that it was inappropriate to introduce 240-litre big bins - particularly when an appropriate recycling strategy is not in place in the ACT.

As was pointed out to the Government, experience elsewhere indicates that people find it easier to simply throw all their household rubbish into a big bin and therefore there is no incentive for them to take part in a recycling strategy. I believe it was unfortunate that the committee, which had concentrated a large proportion of its recommendations on a recycling strategy for the ACT, then undermined the credibility of this report by recommending the introduction of big bins.

I am also pleased to note that the Government has at least in part accepted many of the positive recommendations arising from the committee's report. However, while the Government is making the right noises in these areas, it

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