Page 3829 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 October 1990

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in the Executive. I am sure that Ms Follett and Mrs Grassby, who were the only two Cabinet members - Mr Berry, too; he was a Minister, although he did not perform very well - would acknowledge that there is a very heavy workload associated with being a Minister. I was saying that in the interests of this community and good government it would be sensible to enlarge that ministry. What I said, in fact, was that I could see having an increased ministry without additional cost. The question that Mr Carleton put to me was, "You can have more Ministers for less cost?". I did not say that; Mr Carleton did.

MR BERRY: I ask a supplementary question. Mr Speaker, I seek leave to table a copy of the transcript of that interview, but before doing so I will read from it into Hansard. Mr Carleton said:

Aren't you about to go and ask the Federal Government for extra Ministers?

Mr Kaine said:

Yes, I am. But that's got nothing to do with costs. There are ways.

Mr Carleton then said:

You won't get them for nothing.

Mr Kaine said:

Well, they can do.

Mr Carleton said:

So you reckon you can get more Ministers for less money?

Mr Kaine said:

I believe that I can, yes.

Mr Speaker, I seek leave to table that transcript.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: I table the following paper:

60 Minutes - Copy of extract of transcript for 7 October 1990.

Does the Minister agree that that statement I have read out represents an absurd proposition?

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I would suggest that if he is going to table a transcript of what was actually used on the program he might get the entire transcript of what was actually said rather than what was edited and presented on air.

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