Page 3755 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 17 October 1990
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So, on that basis, Mr Deputy Speaker, I find it most unfortunate that the Opposition has seen fit to play political games on this very important issue rather than accept the situation as it applies, namely, that a member who is unable to participate further in the committee should, in fact, be replaced by a member of a similar grouping. In my closing remarks I express regret at the attitude taken by the Opposition and I commend the motion to the members of the Assembly.
MR MOORE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I refer to standing order 46. I seek to make a personal explanation. Mr Duby, at the end of his speech, indicated that it was time for members on this side of the house to get down and do some work on committees. I find that comment absolutely appalling. Anybody who has been involved in the Estimates Committee, on whatever side of the house - Mr Duby himself should recognise this, as indeed have the Ministers; and I include them - would recognise the extensive amount of work that has been done, both in preparation and in the times of the sitting of the committee. I consider that comment to be appalling.
MR BERRY: I seek leave, pursuant to standing order 46, to make a personal statement.
MR BERRY: Mr Duby repeatedly suggested and said that I was in some way responsible for reneging on a deal. I am afraid, Mr Deputy Speaker, that Mr Duby has caught the complaint which causes Mr Collaery's conspiracy enriched existence, because here he seeks to spread a malicious and destructive story which of course has no basis in fact. I am not calling him a liar, because I know that there are only two people in this Assembly who know the true story and they are Mrs Nolan and me. Mr Duby does not know, and what he does not know anything about he should not talk about. That is the golden rule. The fact of the matter was - - -
Mr Kaine: You break that one every day of the Assembly.
MR BERRY: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. The fact of the matter is that there was no deal, as has been supported by Mrs Nolan, and there has been no deal reneged upon. The record needs to be put straight in that respect. I fear that Mr Duby has failed to understand what a lie is. I suppose his past performance in this place in relation to his promise to the electorate is a clear demonstration of that. But the fact of the matter is that there was no deal.
MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services): Mr Deputy Speaker - - -
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