Page 3746 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 17 October 1990
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governed by some rules - and, of course, the Opposition do not know any - we will abide by standing order 221. Ms Maher has contributed to that committee. The transcripts will show the evidence and provide you with assistance, Mr Deputy Speaker, when you are a member of that committee, and it is only normal and proper that you be appointed to it.
MRS NOLAN (3.35): I want to make only a couple of statements. I certainly support the motion before the house. I would like to place on record that yesterday afternoon, when I discussed it with the Labor Party, it was my impression that, in fact, there was no objection. However, I was not clearly informed one way or the other. This afternoon I did, in fact, inform the Leader of Government Business in the house that in fact they were not supporting the motion. I object strongly to being told that that was not the case and I would like it withdrawn.
Mr Duby: Withdrawn by whom?
MRS NOLAN: By the Deputy Chief Minister.
Mr Collaery: Nonsense!
Mrs Grassby: No, it is not nonsense, Bernard.
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mrs Grassby!
MR COLLAERY (Deputy Chief Minister): Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to make a short personal statement by way of explanation.
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, Deputy Chief Minister.
MR COLLAERY: Mr Deputy Speaker, I will refer to my earlier comments. I indicated that it was my understanding that this matter would be agreed to by the Opposition. I then said that it was my understanding in the joint party room, when we discussed this, that it would be agreed to by the Opposition. They are the words, Mr Speaker. I clearly corrected the possibility of a misapprehension by indicating that when this was last discussed with us as a group I understood that the other side would agree.
Mrs Nolan: Did I inform you earlier today?
MR COLLAERY: Yes. Certainly, Mr Deputy Speaker, for the record, I learnt on the floor today, shortly before this motion came on, that the Opposition did not agree with it.
Mr Moore: I learnt about the motion on the floor.
MR COLLAERY: Yes, indeed. I am not going to comment on the role of the Whip here, of course. I will elsewhere.
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