Page 3716 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 17 October 1990
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Question put:
That the amendment to paragraph (4) be agreed to.
The Assembly voted -
AYES, 11 NOES, 6
Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Jensen Mrs Grassby
Mr Kaine Mr Stevenson
Dr Kinloch Mr Wood
Ms Maher
Mr Moore
Mrs Nolan
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak
Question so resolved in the affirmative.
Paragraph (4), as amended, agreed to.
Amendment to paragraph (5) agreed to.
MR SPEAKER: The question now is: that paragraph (6), as proposed by Ms Follett, be agreed to. Those of that opinion say aye, to the contrary no.
Members interjected.
Mr Stevenson: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: you did not call for noes on the motion.
MR SPEAKER: I am not sure what I have called for now, with the interjections.
Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: you must put the motion as amended, surely, not just paragraph (6).
Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, you said it wrong. You put the question in relation to paragraph (6) instead of the motion.
MR SPEAKER: Order, members! The reason I have gone the way I have is that I believe speeches that were made from the floor proposed that paragraphs (5) and (6) of the original motion be deleted.
Mr Kaine: No. Paragraph (6) stays.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you. It was my error.
Paragraph (6) agreed to.
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