Page 3642 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 16 October 1990

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Mr Moore: I certainly will not, Mr Speaker. That is not what I said. What I said was, "You will have blood on your hands". When that first kid dies, that Government will have blood on its hands.

MR SPEAKER: Order! If he did not say what you said he said - - -

Mr Duby: He said something that is clearly unparliamentary, is it not?

MR SPEAKER: I do not believe it is unparliamentary, Mr Duby. I believe that is correct. It is not appropriate to withdraw that.

MR BERRY (3.57): I must say that was a tirade from the leading man of the recent 60 Minutes report, the person who was described as leading an incompetent government. No wonder he is a bit tetchy today. I would be, too, if somebody had said that about me.

The fact of the matter is that the closure of neighbourhood schools will impose heavy social costs on our local community. Bill Wood, from the Labor Party, is right. These are the facts of the matter. Of course, Mr Humphries is disturbed at this matter being raised again by the Labor Party, but I must say that his illogical and poorly thought out speech, whilst it was not an improvement on or a change from any of his past performances, did not get to the basis of the issues. I notice that the Chief Minister has walked out of the place because he is not going to be able to stand the heat.

Mr Kaine: I do not want to listen to any more garbage, Mr Speaker.

MR BERRY: And he is still touchy. The fact of the matter is that the Labor Party promised before this election that it would not close schools. We from the Labor Party do not lie. We are not the liars in this place. I can see why the members opposite are squirming in the wake of that statement. It is an ill-considered plan. It has been roundly criticised by informed members of the community.

I have to say, Mr Speaker, that one of the most disgusting exhibitions of duplicity has been demonstrated by members of the Residents Rally party in relation to this matter. They are the ones who are saying now that they have delivered their policy with the closure of schools. They have delivered their policy with the closure of schools. Dr Kinloch moved the motion to close schools, Mr Jensen supported motions to close schools, and Mr Collaery supported motions to close schools. While we are on these members, I will mention the symbolism that we have seen demonstrated in this place - mere symbolism and tokenism -

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