Page 3621 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 16 October 1990

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Yamba Drive - Proposed Vehicle Bridge

MR MOORE: My question is directed to Mr Humphries as Minister for Health. Mr Humphries, can you tell us the estimated cost of the proposed vehicle bridge over Yamba Drive as part of the Woden Valley Hospital remodelling?

MR HUMPHRIES: No, I cannot, Mr Speaker. I believe, in fact, that I indicated to the Estimates Committee last week that the bridge would, in fact, not be a vehicle bridge but a footbridge. But I indicate, as I indicated then, that the question of planning particular physical facilities for the hospital and for associated developments is still very much on the drawing board.

The provision of those things depends very much on what the planning process finally throws up as being required as part of the hospital redevelopment. As such, it is not possible to say at this stage exactly what we are going to need there and in that case how much it would cost. In this particular case, obviously one could give an estimate for the amount that a footbridge, a road bridge or whatever might cost, but that would not be an accurate answer to Mr Moore's question. I propose taking it on notice and perhaps answering it at a stage when we in fact know what it is that we are going to provide across Yamba Drive.

MR MOORE: I ask a supplementary question. It is really seeking clarification, Mr Humphries. You told the Estimates Committee that there was going to be a footbridge, you told the public on the Matthew Abraham show that it would actually be a vehicle bridge, and at this stage you are saying you are not quite sure what it is going to be. Is that correct?

MR HUMPHRIES: I think that is quite clear. It may well be that I have suggested it could be a road bridge at some stages because, in fact, that suggestion has been made to me. I am aware that a bridge is being planned, but that might be a footbridge. The point I am making to Mr Moore is that I am not trying to vacillate or mislead him or in other ways suggest that the thing is not a matter on which the Government can offer any guidance. The question is simply one of planning to provide the appropriate answer. I do not wish to provide an answer. The Government as a whole does not wish to provide an answer. We want the answer for what is needed on that site to come out of the people that are going to use that site - the health consumers and the professionals that occupy the site. They will provide the answer in due course, and their answer, I hope, will, in due course, provide the basis for my answer to the question Mr Moore has asked.

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