Page 3559 - Week 12 - Thursday, 20 September 1990

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afford to pay for the full five-year licence. However, applicants in these cases must produce supporting evidence, and this is generally produced by the CARE Credit and Debt Counselling Service.

The Government is keen for the services it provides to be flexible to meet the legitimate special needs of members of the community. This flexibility does, of course, involve extra cost for the Government, and it is for this reason that individual cases are carefully considered and are the exception rather than the rule.


MR COLLAERY (Deputy Chief Minister): Mr Speaker, I table for the information of members the following paper:

Office of Industry and Development and Business and Employment Bureau - Report for 1989-90, including freedom of information statement.


MR COLLAERY (Deputy Chief Minister): Pursuant to section 6 of the Subordinate Laws Act 1989, I table the following subordinate legislation in accordance with the schedule of gazettal notice for a ministerial declaration made by the Executive:

Nature Conservation Act - Declaration of the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve (S62, dated 19 September 1990).

Ministerial Statement and Paper

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General), by leave: Mr Speaker, I have pleasure in tabling, for the information of members, a discussion paper entitled Review of Court Structures in the Australian Capital Territory. This paper was prepared, at my request, some weeks ago by Mr Lindsay Curtis, and I now have pleasure in speaking to the matter. Members will now have received a copy of this very detailed and useful discussion paper which goes far towards fulfilling a longfelt need for a comprehensive study and analysis of the issues confronting the Territory's court system.

I am confident that the paper will achieve the object of stimulating discussion among the legal profession and the community generally about the options for the future of the Territory's courts and tribunals. I should like to take

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