Page 3260 - Week 11 - Thursday, 13 September 1990

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I must say, in a positive aspect, that Mr Collaery has introduced some of those. However, he has not gone far enough. Dr Wilson continues:

France is a country that has been singularly successful in applying community crime-prevention techniques in a systematic and co-ordinated way; it appears to have reduced juvenile offending as a result of doing so.

When I spoke to Dr Wilson on this particular matter he also pointed out to me that South Australia has just committed $10m to a similar program. I am suggesting that what we are spending on the police force may well be far better spent on using the two systems that they suggest, and more, on crime prevention. I foreshadow now that in the next sitting I will be moving to establish a select committee of this parliament to look into the police and crime prevention. I am quite happy to discuss this with the Government and with members. It might be that the Standing Committee on Social Policy is more appropriate. (Extension of time granted)

Mr Jensen: Get your act together, Michael; get your speech right.

MR MOORE: I have been relaxing and taking my time since the precedent has been set on the budget. I thought I would move on to education. Education has been dealt with at some length but let me say this: the statement on the ACT reshaping program and the justifications that have been so long awaited are a joke. They are a total joke. They will be totally discredited by whatever method, but primarily by a public method. I thought I would go back to the Grants Commission to start the discrediting. On page 48 of the Grants Commission's report, in point 5.19, it suggests this:

Initially, however, the closures will mean additional estimated recurrent costs of $2.4m in 1988-89 in relocating the functions at present carried out in the schools to be closed.

That relates to the far smaller number of schools which were to be closed then. So what we have is a far greater number of schools to be closed at this time; yet this document claims that the relocation costs are going to be only $1.9m when you deduct the costs from the savings.

Mr Humphries: It is misleading, Michael.

MR MOORE: It is not misleading, Mr Humphries. The people who have been doing the misleading in this whole debate are yourselves. The community is not going to have the wool pulled over its eyes, as you probably have, by whoever - and I have made comments on that before. I am going to leave the schools education reshaping program but I do draw your attention to some of the very sensible comments made

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