Page 3086 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 11 September 1990

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Item (iv) Paving costing $191,208 was laid in the pedestrian verges and as surface-treatment of the median and traffic control islands in the widened section of Cooing and Ballumbir Streets, City between Mort Street and Petrie Street. The contract for Ballumbir Street/Cooyong Street Upgrading, of which this work was part, was let for $1,292,535.

Item (v) Paving costing $139,226 was laid in the hard surfaced pedestrian areas of City Section 56. The contract for City Section 56 Carpark Modifications, of which this work was part, was let for $922,810.

Item (vi) Paving costing $333,178 was laid in the hard surfaced pedestrian areas of City Walk between Akin Street and Petrie Place. The development of this area was undertaken in conjunction with the development of the new Canberra Centre,and was implemented under a project management arrangement with a construction authorisation of $1,250,000.

(3) For the work described in (2) above the paving was for new areas except for replacement of existing pedestrian paving in the following instances:

In Item (iv) existing asphaltic surfacing adjacent to Block 19 of Section 28 Braddon and gravel and concrete adjacent to Section 57 Braddon was replaced with pink payers. The value of the replacement paving was approximately $40,000.

In Item (v) existing concrete paving in Honda Street adjacent to Section 56 was replaced with pink payers at a cost of approximately $20,000.

In Item (vi) existing tumbled concrete block paving between Ainslie Avenue and Petrie Place was replaced with tumbled concrete block pink payers at a cost of $89,710. Some paving between Ainslie Avenue and Akin Street was removed as part of the upgrading of the area but this has not been considered as replacement owing to the totally concept and levels constructed in the new work.

(4) In the cases where existing paving was replaced with pink payers the reasons for this action are as follows:

Item (iv) Cooing Street/Ballumbir Street northern verge was redeveloped to achieve a uniform streetscape consistent with the Urban Design Guidelines of the Civic Centre Policy Plan. This policy had been applied to the previously upgraded section of Ballumbir Street.

In Item (v) City Section 56 Carpark Modifications the

verge paving in Honda Street adjacent to Section 56 was

replaced to conform with the Urban Design Guidelines of

the Civic Centre Policy Plan.

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