Page 3053 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 11 September 1990

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reduced over the period. Savings will be $1.9m in 1990-91, $4.4m in 1991-92 and $6.7m in 1992-93. This arrangement will place TAFE funding on a similar basis to that of universities, and places the ACT at the forefront of national moves to position TAFE for the 1990s. It provides the framework for the Institute both to act systematically to improve its efficiency and to become more entrepreneurial in its orientation. The Institute has set targets for obtaining additional revenue from a range of sources including increased student fees and charges, increased numbers of full fee paying overseas students, and increased contributions from industry.

I now refer to matters concerned with Jindalee Nursing Home, and I know Mr Berry will be interested in this one. The Government has announced its intention to move the Jindalee Nursing Home to the site of the Royal Canberra Hospital at Acton. The decision will be implemented when suitable space becomes available. The agreement of the National Capital Planning Authority is, of course, required. In the meantime, the operations of the nursing home will be brought into conformity with Australia-wide practice to the extent possible, given the limitations imposed by the layout of the home on its current site. In 1988 the Commonwealth Government implemented staffing and resident outcome standards for nursing homes operated by community organisations and the private sector, and these have been progressively accepted Australia-wide.

Discussions will take place with staff and their unions on changes in work practices, the effect these will have on employment levels, and measures available to mitigate the impact on individuals. There will also be extensive consultation to ensure that residents and their families understand the national standards before they are implemented. Savings of $950,000 in 1990-91, and $2.5m in a full year, should result from the adoption of national care standards and appropriate work practices.

We have worked to reduce overheads right across the ACT Administration. The Government is committed to creating a lean and efficient administration. The Public Sector Management Board has been established to oversight this task. To assist in this, changed administrative arrangements were announced in July. Service delivery and policy coordination has been enhanced by integrating like government functions. For example, planning, land development, environment and conservation are now located within the one department. As a result, savings of $2.2m in 1990-91 and $6.5m in a full year will be achieved, mainly in corporate services functions. The most significant of these savings will arise from the elimination of overlap between the former Department of Health and the hospitals administration. Extensive consultations will take place with affected staff and unions.

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