Page 3004 - Week 10 - Thursday, 16 August 1990

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Mr Berry: I hope you exercise the same lenience when I get to my feet in a little while.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, thank you for your observation.

MR DUBY: She sits there with a scowl on her face and her nostrils flared, as if Mr Berry had just committed a social indiscretion and she has just got wind of it. That is about the size of it.

Mr Berry: That is a bit over the top, I think.

MR SPEAKER: Your objection is overruled, Mr Berry. Please proceed, but get to the point, Mr Duby, please.

Mr Berry: I am not going to sit down on that one. That is an outrageous position for the Speaker to hold, in my respectful view. For Mr Duby to say such disgraceful things about a member of this Assembly, whether - - -

Mr Duby: Who is not here to defend herself.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, on the point of order, can I remind members that Mr Berry is the man who described Mr - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Humphries resume your seat. Mr Berry, you are out of order.

Mr Berry: I have not finished yet.

MR SPEAKER: You are finished because you have not sought the leave of this house to make a statement. If you wish to make a statement, that is the appropriate way to do it. Please read your standing orders, and resume your seat.

Mr Berry: I am raising a point of order. I am talking about imputation.

MR SPEAKER: You are not talking about anything because you do not have the leave of the house to do it.

Mr Berry: I am talking about a point of order.

MR SPEAKER: No, you are not debating a point of order. If you have a point of order, as has been ruled before, you will give me the number.

Mr Berry: I just said there was a personal imputation.

MR SPEAKER: It is not a personal imputation at all. I have ruled that it is not. Thank you. I call Mr Duby.

MR DUBY: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. There is never a good time for a motion of this nature to be put. Frankly, I dare say that members of the Opposition are pleased that this Government had the guts, I guess, to move it. There will never be a good time to increase the size of the Executive of any government. Everyone knows that.

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