Page 2968 - Week 10 - Thursday, 16 August 1990

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provision of a second domestic violence refuge in last year's budget.

As members will all know, that matter was referred to the Public Accounts Committee, which I chair, at Mrs Nolan's request. The Public Accounts Committee will be concluding its report and we hope to present it in the next sittings of this Assembly, but in the meantime I would like to advise the Assembly of two items of evidence which the Public Accounts Committee has received. The first is from the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. It is a letter dated 4 July and it reads, in part:

I would like to confirm that the Department of Health had proposed that the costs of the second refuge was $142,000 in 1989-90 and $238,000 in a full year.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I believe you are in breach of standing orders by bringing forward information from a committee that has not reported as yet.

MS FOLLETT: It has been released as evidence, Mr Speaker.

Mrs Grassby: She is chairman. She can do it as chairman.

MR SPEAKER: I believe you would normally seek leave to do that, would you not?

Mr Jensen: Documents have to be approved by the committee. I just want to check that up.

MS FOLLETT: They both have been.

Mr Jensen: That is fine; I was just checking.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Mr Speaker, I will continue:

The proposal -

that is the domestic violence refuge -

met the criteria for funding under the existing Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) Agreement between the Commonwealth and the ACT. In this financial year, SAAP has been funded to a level of $4.2m ($2.4m Commonwealth and $1.8m ACT). These amounts include a growth provision of $300,000 which is a $1:$1 Commonwealth/ACT ongoing yearly contribution to the base and cost indices to maintain real term funding levels.

The former Government -

that is my Government -

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