Page 2875 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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that there is an additional Minister. There is a vast range of areas in relation to which I could suggest to you we could save money, and indeed I have, rather than close schools.

I value Dr Kinloch's statement about the way he voted. I do not know the full ramifications of that. I will have to read it more carefully. It suggests to me that he may also be taking other action in support of the way he voted just a moment ago. Mr Speaker, this Bill ought to come up. I reject the view of the leader of the house that it has no relevance and the legalistic arguments on which he falls. I believe this matter should proceed, and I urge members to allow it to do so.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (12.27): Mr Speaker, I will be brief, unlike some who seem to be as longwinded as the time permits. This question is one of who represents the Government. We have an ineffective former government - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order: that is not relevant, Mr Speaker - 62.

MR KAINE: If you listen, I will explain its relevance, but you do not want to hear it. You use up my time, as you always do.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry! Chief Minister, please proceed.

MR KAINE: We had an ineffective former government that is now an ineffective opposition, and it seeks to curtail what the Government may do.

Mr Berry: On a point of order: it is all right for him to stand there having a shot at the Opposition, but he is supposed to be debating the question that is before the house, Mr Speaker.

MR KAINE: I am, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Please proceed to the point, Chief Minister.

MR KAINE: The Opposition, with this kind of motion, seeks to curtail what the Government may do.

Mr Berry: Yes, stop you shutting schools.

MR KAINE: Mr Berry put it quite well in the earlier debate, Mr Speaker.

Mr Berry: We want to stop you from shutting schools.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, may I be protected from the constant interjections of this lunatic.

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