Page 2857 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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do not have the guts to stand up for it; they have no intention of stopping the school closures. Mr Stevenson will propose a motion shortly, so they will have another chance to be counted.

What we have is a case of Mr Collaery's interpretation of the standing orders. We have heard the debate about the Government's interpretation of the self-government Act, but what we really need is an independent interpretation. What we have is a gutless mob over here, who simply are not prepared to act in accordance with what they say. If you do not act in accordance with what you say, Dr Kinloch, that is called hypocrisy, and it is of the highest order because you are dealing with schools, the future of our children, and it is something with which you will have to live.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (11.37): Mr Speaker, that outburst was totally irrational, intemperate and, to say the least, unconscionable. That was an attack on the Attorney-General over a matter in which the Attorney-General is not involved.

Mr Moore: He was before - of course, he was.

MR KAINE: I remind Mr Moore that the Speaker sought legal advice, and that advice has been given. It was not determined or provided by the Attorney-General. I think Mr Moore is letting his commonsense and normal rationality escape him for the time being. He should address the real issue. Indeed, I recall that on a previous occasion the Attorney-General, when he was in opposition, asked for a separate opinion. But that is open to the opposition to do the same.

Mr Connolly: We did - last week.

MR KAINE: If they want a separate opinion, Mr Speaker, they have to ask you to seek it. I know of no request to the Speaker to seek independent legal advice on this matter. It is totally irrational, totally misrepresenting the situation, and it is because you, in opposition, have failed to do what you are now advocating. There is no separate advice here. If you want independent and separate advice that does not come from the law office - - -

Mrs Grassby: We have done it.

Mr Moore: They have done it. You are trying to mislead the house.

Mrs Grassby: We did it last week, on this issue.

MR KAINE: Where is your request to the Speaker to get independent and separate advice on this matter?

Mr Connolly: In Hansard.

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