Page 2855 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (11.30): Mr Speaker, I move:

That the Bill be withdrawn.

In so moving, I move in the tradition of the house that the leader of business of the house should support the rulings of the Speaker or otherwise move dissent. I have complete confidence in the ruling that you, Mr Speaker, have delivered and the advice that you have received from the Government Law Office.

I note, and have taken advice, that the tradition in the other house of parliament is to seek advice from the relevant law office, and invariably that ruling of the Federal law office is accepted on the hill without the seeking of alternative opinions.

MR MOORE (11.31): In speaking to the motion that Mr Collaery has put, Mr Speaker, I draw attention to a comment that Mr Berry made about the 180-degree turn of members of the Government. It is not a 180-degree turn; it is a turn of 360, 540, 720 or 900 degrees, and it goes on and on. They keep spinning, turning one way or the other. What we have seen here, as on many other occasions, is a series of runs of straight hypocrisy. In the debate earlier this morning we heard them say that they wanted to debate the education Bill, but what they wanted to do was avoid debating the education Bill. That is exactly what we have here. We have somebody like Dr Kinloch who last night told a parent from - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Relevance, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. He told a parent from Higgins Primary School - it is relevant, Mr Speaker, and I am leading to the relevance - that what they need to do is turn somebody from within that party so that the vote can be taken in the party room. The relevance of this is that we are talking about where priority lies, with the parliament or with the party room, and how that impacts on decisions made by the Speaker. With reference to the illegal advice that Mr Collaery has proffered to you and with relevance to hypocrisy - - -

Mr Jensen: Illegal? Withdraw. Shameful!

Mr Collaery: Shame!

MR MOORE: I will withdraw it, Mr Speaker. With reference to the legal advice that Mr Collaery has got from his department and tendered to you, as Speaker - - -

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: this is a reflection on the Chair. I have not tendered to you any advice on this matter.

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