Page 2744 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 14 August 1990

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MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Acting Speaker, I think it is appropriate to make reference to some reports which have recently appeared elsewhere in Australia. They relate to the sorts of issues which are affecting the ACT, particularly a report in last Saturday's Age which was headed "Shake-up may amalgamate 600 schools". For the benefit of members opposite, the Age is a newspaper published in Melbourne and it discusses in part the events of Victorian politics, in this case the politics of the Victorian socialist left Government - Mother Russia, perhaps.

Of course, there are a number of places where issues such as those raised by this ACT Government have been raised. Last year, for example, New South Wales closed 13 schools, with another 15 schools nominated for closure this year. Since 1986, South Australia has closed around 20 schools and in the last five years Queensland has closed 60 schools. I think it is worth referring particularly to Victoria. The new Premier, Mrs Kirner, was formerly the Minister for Education. It has been reported, as the members have seen, that the Victorian Government expects to save money, especially in urban areas with declining school populations. Further, the program that the Victorian Government has embarked on is expected to improve the quality of education, so it says, by ensuring the provision of comprehensive curriculums in schools. Now - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Acting Speaker; this issue of ministerial statements in question time arises again. We are now a minute and a half into - - -

Members interjected.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Order, members! I want to hear his point of order! Go on, Mr Berry, what is your point of order?

Mr Berry: Brevity is important in response to these questions. We are a minute and a half into a long ministerial statement in relation to this matter. I would ask you to call on the member to be brief in his response.

MR HUMPHRIES: It is lengthened by your interjection. I am two-thirds of the way through my answer, Mr Acting Speaker, and I will bring the remaining third to a quick conclusion. It is obvious from that clipping - - -

Mr Berry: I know it is embarrassing at question time, particularly for - - -

MR HUMPHRIES: It is certainly embarrassing to those opposite to discover that colleagues elsewhere in this country, of their own political persuasion, accept that savings need to be made by the consolidation of schools.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Acting Speaker; I think he should stick to answering the question; he is straying a little bit off the path.

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