Page 2733 - Week 09 - Thursday, 9 August 1990

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in the embarrassing position of having to reverse its position on that important question when it comes into government at some distant point in the future, I intend to support Mrs Nolan.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Ballot papers will now be distributed. Will members please write on the papers the name of the candidate for whom they wish to vote. The candidates are, in alphabetical order, Mr Berry and Mrs Nolan.

A ballot having been taken -

MR ACTING SPEAKER: The result of the ballot is: Mr Berry four votes; Mrs Nolan 10 votes. Therefore, Mrs Nolan is declared elected.

Ministerial Statement and Papers

Debate resumed from 31 May on motion by Mr Kaine:

That the Assembly takes note of the following papers:

ACT Greenhouse Strategy - ministerial statement, 26 April 1990;

Developing an ACT Strategy to Respond to the Greenhouse Effect.

MRS NOLAN (4.37): When the Chief Minister launched Developing an ACT Strategy to Respond to the Greenhouse Effect in April, he outlined the importance of an overall vision for the environment and a set of principles to put this vision into practice. It is in this light, but related more to individual proposals, that I want to speak today.

The Government, in giving priority to balance in its first year of office, must clearly give priority to the greenhouse effect and to recycling, energy conservation and sustainable development. In view of this, I welcome the strategy statement. I think it is a very worthwhile document. However, I consider that not enough emphasis was placed on recycling or encouraging recycling at source. It is in relation to this area that I intend to address my comments today. On page 9, under the heading, "Promoting recycling", the document states:

The objective is: "To reduce waste production in society and increase recycling.".

It goes on further to state:

This will help to conserve scarce resources and reduce energy consumption associated with the manufacture of replacement articles from raw materials. Recycling also helps to reduce the generation of methane gas, in the short-term,

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